Machines Raya Snap & Win Campaign

Join in the fun with Machines this Raya and be rewarded with Machines+ points & accessory vouchers! Just follow the steps below to stand a chance to walk away with these prizes.

- Purchase any Apple devices (except Accessories) from Machines retail stores only nationwide from 16 April to 29 April 2023.
- Register to be a Machines+ member with our friendly Machines Warriors in-store during the same period.
- Take a creative picture of your newly purchased Apple device in-store with Machines logo.
- Show off your picture (and your new Apple device!) on your IG Post and caption how the device brought joy to your Raya.
- Tag @machinesmy and #RayaMachinesLebihMeriah. Remember to keep your account public so we can share your creativity to the world!
- The most creative caption & picture wins!

Locate our stores to get your gift of joy.
No time to drop by our stores? Get it here!
*Terms & conditions apply. Read more

Sertai kemeriahan bersama Machines musim Raya ini dan dapatkan hadiah dalam bentuk Machines+ poin & baucar aksesori! Ikuti langkah-langkah di bawan untuk berpeluang memenangi hadiah-hadiah ini.

- Beli sebarang peranti Apple (kecuali aksesori) dari Machines, daripada 16 April hingga 29 April 2023.
- Daftar untuk menjai ahli Machines+ pada tempoh yang sama.
- Ambil gambar paling kreatif anda dengan peranti Apple yang baru dibeli bersama logo Machines.
- Muat naik gambar anda (bersama peranti Apple baru anda!) di IG Post serta kapsyen bagaimana peranti tersebut membawa kemeriahan kepada Raya anda.
- Tag @machinesmy dan #RayaMachinesLebihMeriah. Jangan lupa set akaun anda sebagai akses awam supaya kami dapat berkongsi kreativiti anda!
- Kapsyen dan gambar yang paling kreatik akan menang!

Lawatilah kedai kami untuk mendapatkan hadiah terbaik anda.
Tiada masa untuk melawati kami? Dapatkannya di sini!
*Tertakluk terma & syarat.Read more